The ‘pets’ of Magic: The Gathering

Magic: The Gathering is absolutely rammed pack with all kinds of weird and funky creatures.

That’s why for this post I’ve decided to write about the ‘pets’ of the multiverse. I use the term ‘pets’ loosely, as a lot of the cards I’m going to talk about aren’t technically pets but I still think they’d make pretty good companions.

To rate some of these creatures I’ve decided to use a ranking system which will be based on: cuteness, abilities, card design, and overall rating. There’s probably a lot more that I could rate them on but I thought best to keep it more condensed (and to control my habit of rambling too much).

Without further ado, let’s look at some of MTG’s best pets!

#1 Promise (or Gideon’s Promise) from War of the Spark.

Promise is a good ol’ boy who is ridden by Gideon Jura into battle against Nicol Bolas. The pegasus appears on two cards in this set (“Trusted Pegasus” was also reprinted for Core Set 20?? the only difference with the reprint is that the flavour text wasn’t included).
The flavour text on “Trusted Pegasus” is a really nice interaction between Gideon and Promise while hell is breaking loose on Ravnica. Gideon asks Promise “Would you give your life to save this world?”, a question which I think he is almost asking himself – is he ready to die to save this world?
Unfortunately, Promise gets shot down by the sneaky Oketra which ultimately answers Gideon’s question that yes, they were ready to give their life. Rest in peace good horse boy, Rakdos finished the job for you don’t worry!

Cuteness: 10/10 majestic as heck – look at the swanky armour!
Abilities: 9/10 for being a flying horse. It would have been 10 but they got shot down which is a bit of a problem. Otherwise very useful than your bog-standard horse!
Card design: 8/10. I like the art for both of the cards Promise appears on. However, something about the colours used on the “Divine Arrow” card doesn’t appeal that much to me.
Overall pet rating: 5/10 would have Promise as a pet if I didn’t have a fear of horses. Don’t judge me, those things are scary up close.Read More »