making a vampire MTG commander deck!

So I’ve been playing commander pretty consistently the past few months (even if it is just against my boyfriend), and although I love my cherished dinosaur boys it’s time to venture to something new, something… Bloody. This calls for vampires!

Since I’ve just started the construction of my new tribal vampire deck, I’ve been planning what I should include  to ensure maximum tomfoolery. My dinosaur deck was centered around getting lots of big creatures out fast and hitting hard, and although I’m pretty sure this approach to MTG will always be a favourite for it I still feel it’s good to mix things up a bit.

For my commander I’ve chosen Elenda, the Dusk Rose. She can really get that lifelink shenanigans going which is exactly the aim of the deck. And for such a cheap casting cost, I can’t really complain.

If you couldn’t tell, I’m going for the ol’ lifelink and counters approach for this one! Feeling confident with my choice of commander it was time to make Elenda an army.

Turns out through my hoarding of many cards that I actually acquired more vampire cards than I had expected. I counted to have roughly 120+ vampire related cards, so it seems my subconscious knew that the time would come to call upon them!

IMG_20200704_113829IMG_20200704_114645First things first. Let’s look at the mana curve with the current cards we’ve picked out. It goes without saying that 2 – 3 cost cards are the centre of attention for this deck, and I feel that I’m lacking in anything that costs over 6 mana. This is only a rough idea of my deck though, I still have many many cards which I still need to buy.

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‘Fallen Empires’ 1994 booster pack opening!


Every now and then do you ever find yourself pursuing eBay, usually out of boredom, and you come across something which is…bizarre.
“What even is this…”

After some late-night shenanigans we find this really old looking MTG booster pack for sale. The eBay seller was a charity shop, and they said that this old pack had been donated to them and they thought that the best place to sell it was on eBay. For a starting bid of 4 quid, we thought why not, no skin of our nose if we don’t win it.


Lo and behold for an additional 20p, making this booster pack £4.20 (probably a bit more than market value) we won this Fallen Empires booster pack.

Since the pack is actually two years older than myself I was quite intrigued to find out what gold gems would be hiding in this pack!

Plus you see that cheesy slogan at the top of the booster? Must have Magic: The Gathering to play! Do really, you don’t say? I thought these were for Pokemon.

The pack also felt very strange to me to hold – I suppose I’m so used to 15 card booster packs that an 8 card booster feels so thin to me!

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